Work Days – please come join us …
Over the past 20 years, keen volunteers have undertaken a series of working bees clearing “wilding” (self-seeding) trees, sweetbriar and broom from roadsides and public conservation land around Lake Ōhau.
Restoration planting of native seedlings has also been done, especially after the October 2020 wildfire destroyed native vegetation along the margins of the lakes. The plantings have been aimed at enhancing biodiversity and habitats along the lake margin, as well as restoring the natural environment that walkers and bikers visit and travel through.
Details about the work days are posted on the News page of this website – please check this page to see how you can be involved in conservation at Lake Ōhau.
Trapping volunteers – a walk in the wilds …
The Trust has 255 traps for controlling animal pest species, such as possums, rats, stoats and ferrets. With these traps, the Trust aims to protect the health and integrity of native plant (particularly scarlet, red and yellow mistletoe/ pikirangi) and animal species (particularly bellbird / korimako) and forest communities at Lake Ōhau.
Traps are checked monthly by volunteers. Please contact the Trust if you would like to be a trapping volunteer.